It is imperative that students make satisfactory academic progress toward graduation and the acquisition of their baccalaureate degree. The College provides a variety of academic support services to assist students who are having – or wish to avoid – academic difficulties. To learn more about these services, please contact the Office of Academic Services (845-398-4028).
Students who do not continue to make satisfactory academic progress are subject to being placed on probation, being suspended from the college, or being dismissed from the college.
The following material states the college’s criteria for judging satisfactory academic progress and the conditions which result from a student’s failure to maintain satisfactory progress. Some academic programs have requirements in addition to those below. Students pursuing such programs must satisfy the additional requirements as determined by the relevant program director. Students who sign academic contracts as a condition of admission to the college and who do not fulfill the conditions of the contract may be placed on probation, suspended, or dismissed independent of the following criteria.
The following table indicates the Grade Point Averages that lead to the different levels of Academic Standing:
- Averages will not be “rounded.” For example, 1.79 will not be rounded to 1.80. Therefore, 1.79 will be within the range for Academic Probation.
- Some academic programs (e.g. the BS.Ed. Program) have requirements in addition to those below. Students pursuing such degrees must satisfy the additional requirements as determined by the relevant Dean.
All students with cumulative GPAs of 2.00 or higher are considered to be in Good Standing. Students with a cumulative GPA that falls within the 2.19 to 2.00 range will be sent a letter focusing attention on their borderline academic performance.
Students on academic probation:
- May not carry more than 12 credits a semester, and they may be further limited in their college activities.
- Must attain a semester grade point index of at least 2.0 for the current semester or be subject to suspension or dismissal.
- Must attend tutoring at the Center for Academic Excellence on a weekly schedule (typically 2 hours per week) determined either by the student’s academic advisor, the Office of Academic Services, or the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Must make an appointment with their academic advisor within the first week of the term in order to arrange a schedule of periodic meetings with the advisor throughout the semester.
Students placed on suspension at the end of an academic semester:
- May not attend the college for the subsequent semester.
- May register for summer and winter session courses.
Readmission to the college following the semester of suspension may be gained by appealing in writing to and meeting with the Provost. Readmitted students are placed on Probation, and are often subject to additional requirements and restrictions at the discretion of the Provost.
Students dismissed from the college may not register for classes, and any pending registrations are canceled. Students are entitled to appeal their dismissal in writing to the Provost. There is no guarantee that a dismissed student will be successful in appealing to return; if the appeal letter is approved, the student will be invited to continue the appeal process by scheduling a meeting with the Provost.
Because decisions regarding Academic Suspension and Dismissal are based on the accumulated Grade Point Average at the end of the relevant Fall or Spring semester, two clarifications are required:
1) Note about Winter and Summer Sessions
Students who are suspended may register for Winter or Summer courses, but registration in those courses will not affect the status of Suspension. In other words, because the decision is based on the previous semester’s work, any formal appeal of the decision is independent of upcoming course registration(s). Therefore, students cannot postpone their appeal regarding Suspension or Dismissal until after Summer or Winter coursework is completed; doing so may affect registration, housing, and financial aid.
2) Note about Incomplete Grades
Decisions about Academic Suspension and Dismissal are based on the accumulated Grade Point Average of the previous semester, including any Incomplete grades the student may have earned. Incomplete grades do not affect the status of Suspension or Dismissal. In other words, because the decision is based on the previous semester’s work, any formal appeal of the decision must be made without regard to a grade of Incomplete or the grade that may replace it. Students cannot postpone their appeal regarding Suspension or Dismissal until after Incomplete grades are resolved.