Find your Fit

What do you love, and where do your natural talents lie? Your time at St. Thomas Aquinas College is all about discovering your individuality, finding your innate abilities and interests, and guiding you to a career — and a life — you’ll love. Start by taking our “Find Your Fit” quiz to get an idea of what degree options match well with your interests.

You may not know exactly what type of career your want to pursue when you start college, and that’s ok — this is a time for exploration, and you’ll have the chance to discover what you’re passionate about along with the support of faculty dedicated to helping you find a path in life that you’ll love.

“I’ve grown as a student and I’ve developed essential life tools, such as leadership and teamwork. St. Thomas Aquinas College has allowed me to explore different interests and ultimately helped me find what I am passionate about.”
Casey Hannon, ’22
Graduate Student, MPA in Criminal Justice

Experiential Learning

As a student at St. Thomas Aquinas College, your education will be enriched by hands-on learning experiences. You’ll discover what you actually love, and won’t just learn in a classroom setting — you’ll learn by doing, maximizing your career readiness so you can jump into the workforce right after graduation readily equipped with practical skills.

Make Your Mark

Join the global network of St. Thomas Aquinas College alumni making their mark on the world.

“I chose St. Thomas Aquinas College to push the boundaries.”
Paolo Bruzzesi
Paolo Bruzzesi, ’23

Average Salary at Career Midpoint



Graduate Placement Rate



Alumni Student Mentorship Opportunities



Here, you won’t just be known by your name — your interests, ideas, and dreams will be embraced and supported by faculty who consider mentorship just as much a part of their job as teaching.

“The genuine interest, respect and caring of the St. Thomas Aquinas community is unlike any other. This nurturing environment opens the door to collaboration and across-disciplinary work, which translates into more opportunities for students both while they’re here, and after they graduate.”
Nina Bellisio
Nina Bellisio
Associate Professor of Visual Communications


Experiential learning culminates for St. Thomas Aquinas students with stellar internship opportunities. Practical skills will help you ignite your career after graduation, and with our campus’ proximity to one of the world’s most advanced cities, you’ll have access to exceptional prospects with world-renown companies.

Career Services

Have your resumé proofed, prep for your interview, get matched with internships you’ll love, apply for jobs, and more! The Office of Career Services is your hub for all things job prep, and with the Career Services team supporting you, you’ll head into your career confident and prepared to handle anything that comes your way.

And, Career Services’ support doesn’t stop after you graduate. As an alum, you’ll have access to all the benefits Career Services has to offer to help you continue growing your career.