Dr. Levine Madori was featured in an article “Best and Worst Cities for Recreation” on Wallethub. Click here to read the article.
For the past twenty-five years Linda Levine Madori, PhD, has worked in the field of Healthcare as a therapist, teacher, advisor, researcher, supervisor and innovator of new methodology with regard to providing programming to the older population and specifically those afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease. Since 1991, Dr. Levine Madori has been a People to People Ambassador Leader and has presented papers and lectured extensively in nine countries including Finland, Spain, Switzerland, Indonesia, Lithuanian, Prague, Russia, China and Italy. Having credentials in both Therapeutic Recreation (M.S., Ph.D.) and New York State Licensing in Creative Arts Therapy (ATR-BC#000971-1), she has had the unique experience to be professionally active on the state level and internationally in moving both professional fields forward into the 21 century. She has chaired the Leisure and Aging Track of the American Society on Aging, served on the Leisure and Aging Section of the National Recreation and Park Association, developed professional educational intensives for the American Art Therapy Association, and implemented workshops and professional panel presentations for educators, therapists and psychotherapists as an Ambassador Leader to the People to People International Educational Program.
Dr. Levine Madori has worked for the past 20 years up from Assistant Professor to a tenured Professor in 2007. Her dissertation research in Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive functioning and psychosocial well-being is the basis for Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming for the Older Population (TTAP Method) published by Health Professionals Press in December 2006.
In September 2006, Dr. Levine Madori was awarded her first Fulbright Senior Specialist Scholarship and was invited to teach her new and innovative therapeutic approach in both New Zealand at Waikato University and in Australia at Victoria University from February to May, 2007. In 2009, she received a second Fulbright Specialist Award through the Finland Fulbright Office to create and teach a certificate course on the TTAP Method to health professionals in Finland through three Universities: HAMK University of Applied Sciences, SEAMK University of Applied Sciences, and the University of Tampere. Dr. Levine Madori was recognized for her service in the field of Therapeutic Recreation by the New York State Therapeutic Recreation Association receiving the Distinguished Service Award in April, 2007.
2007 Fulbright Award International Teaching and Lecturing Invitations
Waikato University: Hamilton, New Zealand
Victoria University: Melbourne, Australia
Keynote Speaker: The National Alzheimer’s Association of New Zealand
Keynote Speaker: The National Diversity Association, Melbourne, Sidney and Brisbane, Australia
Educational Consultant: Melbourne Alzheimer’s Association
Melbourne Museum of the Arts, City Center, September 2007 (Taped interview on the TTAP Method for National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month)
2009 Fulbright Award International Teaching and Lecturing Invitations
HAMK University of Applied Sciences, Hameenalinna, Finland
Seinajoki University of Applied Sciences, Seinajoli, Finland
University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland
Keynote Finnish Alzheimer’s Association, Helsinki, Finland
Certificate Course in the TTAP Method, Continuing Education, HAMK University
B.F.A. from Lehman College, M.S., CUNY (CTRS), Graduate Creative Arts Therapies, Pratt Institute (ATR-BC), Ph.D. from New York University, Health Studies, Licensed Creative Arts Therapist (LCAT)
Levine-Madori, L. (in progress) TTAP Method® Applied to Individuals Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, to be published in Art and Expressive Therapies within a Medical Model: Clinical Approaches, Routledge Publishers, January 2017.
Levine-Madori, L. (2014-2016) Writer and Editor for Creative Forecasting; quarterly Therapeutic Recreation Column titled “Ask Dr. Linda”. This magazine is disseminated to over 12, 000 Directors of Therapeutic Recreation programs in the US and internationally.
Levine-Madori, L. et al. (2016). Meditation and TTAP Method® with Residents Diagnosed with Early Stage Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s, Parkinsonism & Dementia, April 29, 2016.
Levine-Madori, L. (2014). A structured Approach to Therapeutic Recreation, published in the updated revised book titled Therapeutic Recreation Methods (Revised Edition 2014), Ann Harbor Publishers, December 2014.
Levine-Madori, L. (2013). Utilizing The TTAP Method in Diverse Populations, published chapter in – Cultural Diversity in Art Therapy; Crossing Cultural Boundaries and Abilities, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, July, 2013
Levine-Madori, L. (2012). Transcending Dementia; A New Psychology of Art, Brain and Cognition, Health Professionals Press, Baltimore, Maryland. www.healthpropress.com
Levine-Madori, L. (2007). Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming Workbook for Healthcare Professional. Self published,
Levine-Madori, L. (2007). Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming for Older Adults (TTAP), Health Professionals Press, Baltimore, Maryland. Publication date December 2006.
Health Professional Press Educational Seminars on Site; The TTAP Method™ Certification Course. http://www.healthprogessionspress.com/sos.
Levine-Madori, L. (2009). Using the TTAP Method for Cognitive and Psychosocial Wellbeing, American Journal of Therapeutic Recreation, Weston Mass. (July, 2009).
Levine-Madori, L. (2009). Students at St. Thomas Aquinas College, Researching the TTAP Method© at Bergen Regional Medical Center. American Therapeutic Recreation Research Institute, October, 2009.
Levine-Madori, L., Alders, A. (2010).The effect of Art Therapy on Cognitive Performance of Hispanic/Latino Adults. American Art Therapy Journal, Sept, 2010.
Levine-Madori, L. (2010). Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming (TTAP) For Caregivers of Individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease, self published
Levine-Madori, L. (2010). Therapeutic Thematic Arts Programming (TTAP) For Caregivers of Individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease, self published
Levine-Madori, L. (2012). Transcending Dementia through the TTAP Method: The New Psychology of Art, Brain, and Cognition. Health Professionals Press, Baltimore, Maryland.. September www.healthpropress.com
Levine-Madori, L., Melville, L.,Stickney, G.,Paduto,D.,Rodriguez,J. (2016).Meditation and the TTAP Method® with Residents Diagnosed with Early Stage Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s, Parkinsonism and Dementia, April 29,Vol.1, issue,1,www.scienceonline.org.
Therapeutic Recreation