Meghan Hennessy Mihal, Ph.D., is a professor of economics at St. Thomas Aquinas College. She earned a B.A. in Economics and a B.S. in Mathematics from Albright College and a M.A. in Economics and Ph.D. in Economics from Fordham University.
Dr. Mihal is an enthusiastic and passionate professor that teaches at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Here at STAC, her course offerings include: Principles of Macroeconomics, Principles of Microeconomics, Managerial Economics (undergraduate and graduate), Evolution of the World Economy, Math for Economists, Money and Banking, Money and the Economy, the Global Economy: Current Issues, the College Fed Challenge, and the Economics of Sport. She also advises students majoring in the offerings of the School of Business and those students minoring in Economics.
Dr. Mihal is an active researcher in her field. Recently, Dr. Mihal and a co-author had their paper regarding an appropriate methodology to incorporate cryptocurrencies, including the blockchain, into traditional Money and Banking Courses accepted for publication. During the spring 2016 semester, Dr. Mihal guided a senior honors student in completing a Senior Honors Thesis, which he presented at Ignite, the first Research Symposium held here at St. Thomas Aquinas College. Additionally, Dr. Mihal has worked with Professors Cahill and Donn on a collaborative project discussing and analyzing wage discrimination amongst female lawyers which she presented at the Eastern Economic Association’s meetings in 2014 and was recently published (5/2015) in the Indiana Journal of Law & Social Equity. Dr. Mihal and Professor Cahill are presently working to update the data set and prepare another paper focusing on the progression of female lawyers at the beginning of their careers. In the past, Dr. Mihal has pursued a research project with a STAC student and their work was presented at an academic conference and Dr. Mihal is currently preparing this article for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
Outside of the classroom, Dr. Mihal is a co-advisor for STAC’s Business Club and advisor for Delta Mu Delta, the International Business Honors Society. Dr. Mihal is also a member of the General Education Assessment Committee, the College’s Committee on Sustainability & Climate Change, the Faculty Senate Task Force, the Transfer Student Task Force, and she serves as the faculty observer to Board of Trustees at the College.
“Cryptocurrencies in a Money and Banking Course,” with Jennifer Kelber. Journal of Economic and Finance Education, forthcoming.
“Examination of Gender Discrimination in the Legal Field,” with Barbara Donn and Christine Cahill, Indiana Journal of Law & Social Equity. Vol. 3: Iss. 2, Article 3 (2015).“Salary Differentials in Major League Baseball: Revisited,” with Kathryn Krupa, St. Thomas Aquinas College, Working Paper.
“Monetary Policy and Institutional Quality: A VAR Approach,” revise and resubmit.
“Issues Surrounding Poverty in South Africa,” Fordham University Department of Economics Working Paper Series.
“A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Earnings in Selected Transition Countries: The Influence of Gender and Industry,” with Lisa Wilder, Albright College, 2004.
Presenter, Southern Economic Association Conference, New Orleans, LA, November 2015, “What IS Money? Digital Currencies in a Money and Banking Course
Discussant, Southern Economic Association Conference, New Orleans, LA, November 2015
Session Chair, Eastern Economic Association Conference, New Orleans, LA, November 2015
Discussant, Eastern Economic Association Conference, New York, NY, February 2015
Session Chair, Eastern Economic Association Conference, New York, NY, February 2015
Presenter, Eastern Economic Association Conference, Boston, MA, March 2014
Discussant, Eastern Economic Association Conference, Boston, MA, March 2014
Presenter and Session Organizer, Eastern Economic Association Conference, New York, NY, February 2009
Co-Organizer, Fordham University, Doctoral Workshop, Fall 2006-Spring 2008
Session Organizer and Discussant, Eastern Economic Association Conference, Boston, MA, March 2008
Discussant, Eastern Economic Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA, February 2006
Presenter, Eastern Economic Association Conference, New York, NY, March 2005, “Issues Surrounding Poverty in South Africa.”
Discussant, Eastern Economic Association Conference, New York, NY, March 2005
Presenter, Omicron Delta Epsilon Undergraduate Research Conference, Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA, May 2003, “A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Earnings in Selected Transition Countries: The Influence of Gender and Industry.”
Presenter, International Atlantic Economic Society Conference, Washington, DC, October 2002, “A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Earnings in Selected Transition Countries: The Influence of Gender and Industry.”
Presenter, St. Thomas Aquinas College Faculty Retreat, “What IS Money? Digital Currencies in a Money and Banking,” Summer 2016
Panelist, St. Thomas Aquinas College Faculty Retreat, Panel: “Competing or Complementary Research Methods?: Between Humanities and the Social Sciences,” Summer 2015
Presenter, St. Thomas Aquinas College Business Club, invited Guest Speaker: “Examination of Gender Discrimination in the Legal Field,” Spring 2015
Presenter, St. Thomas Aquinas College Faculty Retreat, Panel: “Examination of Gender Discrimination in the Legal Field: An Update,” Summer 2014
Moderator, St. Thomas Aquinas College Faculty Retreat, Panel: “Green Farming and Sustainable Food,” Summer 2014
Presenter, St. Thomas Aquinas College Faculty Retreat, Panel: “Examination of Gender Discrimination in the Legal Field,” Summer 2013
Panelist, St. Thomas Aquinas College Historical and Philosophy Society’s Panel “Political Elections and Economic Cycles,” Fall 2011.
Panelist, St. Thomas Aquinas College Faculty Retreat, Panel: “The Role of Government in American Society,” Summer 2011
Presenter, St. Thomas Aquinas College, MBA Forum, “The Federal Reserve in the 21st Century,” Spring 2010.
Principles of Macroeconomics, Principles of Microeconomics, Managerial Economics (undergraduate and graduate), Evolution of the World Economy, Math for Economists, Money and Banking, Money and the Economy, the Global Economy: Current Issues, the College Fed Challenge, and the Economics of Sport.