Search: “scholarship”

We found 98 results for your search.

St. Thomas Aquinas College Inaugurates Ninth President Kenneth D. Daly
President Daly Launches “Access and Affordability” Scholarship Drive with Founding Gift St. Thomas Aquinas College...
Corporate Foundation Relations
COrporate FounDation RElations According to the World Economic Forum, “Education is a fundamental driver of...
Sustainers Society
We are grateful for your support. The St. Thomas Aquinas Sustainers Society is the College's...
Martin Cottingham and Irish American Building Society Mission Impact Honoree
Martin Cottingham is a Principal specializing in transaction management in Avison Young’s New York office....
Kaley Pederson ’23 – Student
In 2019, Kaley Pederson traveled across the country from her hometown in Southern California to...
International Admissions
Contact Us St. Thomas Aquinas College is proud to be a welcoming, friendly community for...
Brittany Barrow ’13 – Alum
Sixth-grade special education teacher Brittany Barrow says that one of the greatest rewards of teaching...
Start Here
Discover affordability. Ignite opportunity. Experience success.  At St. Thomas Aquinas College, we refuse to let...
Doris Osei ’20 – Alum
One of Doris Osei’s favorite college memories was studying abroad in Italy during her junior...
True Cost Calculator
True Cost Calculator St. Thomas Aquinas College's True Cost Calculator (TCC) provides prospective students with an...