The Director of Clinical Experiences assigns placements. In compliance with New York State Education Department recommendations, candidates are placed in schools where they have the best opportunities to meet the learning outcomes of student teaching. These include high-needs schools and/or schools where professional development commitments have been established between the college and the school districts. Geographic location (i.e., a reasonable travel distance from the campus) is taken into consideration when assigning placements.
Candidates are placed with cooperating teachers who serve as mentors and models of professional practice. They are certified teachers whose credentials match the credentials for which the candidate is preparing. Each candidate is assigned a college supervisor that is selected from professional educators identified as clinical supervisors for the Teacher Education Program. School principals, cooperating teachers, and supervisors receive a copy of the Student Teaching Manual.
Recommendation FOR
New York State Certification
The College recommends to the New York State Teacher Certification agency candidates that have successfully completed the teacher education program and have satisfied the requirements for state certification. The New York State Department of Teacher Certification issues the appropriate certificate to graduates that have satisfied all requirements.
In addition to the requirements of the teacher education program, the state requirements include:
- Completion of the Seminar on Identification and Reporting of Child Abuse
- Completion of the Seminar on Prevention of Violence and Prevention of Child Abduction
- Completion of the Seminar on Autism (for special education certificate)
- Fingerprint clearance
- Achieving passing scores on the appropriate certification level tests
- Filing an online registration form at TEACH.org

Student Requirements
To be admitted to student teaching, undergraduate candidates must maintain the required level of academic performance:
1. 4 hard copies of Resume (submitted at interview for student teaching)
2. Updated TB Test
3. Bio Verification (online in PRC)
4. Placement Request Worksheet
5. Student Copy of Transcript
6. Minimum GPA 2.5 General Ed
7. Minimum GPA 2.75 Teacher Ed
8. Minimum GPA 2.5 Major/Concentration
Performance Competencies (These will be submitted by professors)
9. Microteaching Rubric
10. Microteaching Reflection Rubric
11. Work Sample rubric (Tutoring)
Knowledge Competence (NYS exams)
Check for updated exam requirements: NYSTCE
Applying for certification on or after May 1, 2014
12. Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA)
13. Educating All Students Test (EAST)
14. Academic Literacy Skills Test (ALST)
15. Content Specialty Test (CST)
16. All NYS tests must be passed before NYS certification is issued.
Applying for certification before April 14, 2014
12. ATS-W secondary or elementary
13. LAST
14. CST
16. All NYS tests must be passed before NYS certification is issued.
Field Experience
17. Professional Development (5)
18. Field Experience Hours: 100
19. Including 15 in Special Education
20. Field Experience 100 + 50 Special Ed (for special education certification)
21. Documented Diverse Hours (30)
22. Classroom Teacher Evaluation
23. Field Experience Survey
24. Reference Form Liberal Arts Faculty
25. Reference Form Teacher Ed Faculty
26. Dispositions Checklist
27. Fingerprint Clearance
28. Register on TEACH
MST Candidates may monitor their own progress by completing the following requirements prior to student teaching:
1. Matriculation and GPA 3.0
2. Biographical Verification/Registration Online
3. 4 Hard Copies Updated Resume with Fieldwork Placements and Email
4. Placement Request Worksheet
5. Updated TB Test
Performance Competencies (course related assignments will be submitted by professors)
6. Graded Rubric: Microteaching
7. Graded Rubric: Microteaching Reflection
8. Graded Rubric: Work Sample (Tutoring)
Knowledge Competence (NYS Certification Exams) NYSTCE
Applying for certification on or after May 1, 2014
12. Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA)
13. Educating All Students Test (EAST)
14. Academic Literacy Skills Test (ALST)
15. Content Specialty Test (CST)
All tests must be passed before NYS Certification is issued.
Applying for certification before 4/30/14
12. ATS-W secondary or elementary
13. LAST
14. CST
All tests must be passed before NYS Certification is issued.
Field Experience
16. Field Experience (100 hrs with 15 Special Ed)
17. Diverse Hours Documented (30)
18. Special Ed Hours Documented (50) NYS has Mandated Special Ed Hours for All K-12 Candidates
19. Classroom Teacher Evaluation: Gray/Form 4
20. Field Experience Survey: Purple/Form 5
21. Teacher Ed Faculty Reference: Beige/Form 7
22. Dispositions Checklist: Orange/Form 8
23. Professional Development Activities (3)
24. Fingerprint Clearance
25. Register on TEACH